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What is tuberculosis?

The disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex is called tuberculosis disease or shortly tuberculosis. profdromerdeniz.com

How is tuberculosis transmitted?

The main mode of transmission of tuberculosis is airborne transmission. The entrance gate for the tuberculosis bacillus to the body is the lungs. profdromerdeniz.com. After the tuberculosis bacillus enters the lungs and reaches the alveoli through the respiratory tract, a process begins that may result in the occurrence of tuberculosis disease. Tuberculosis is rarely observed in the upper respiratory tract. Apart from the airborne transmission, tuberculosis can also be transmitted through the gastrointestinal tract. Tuberculosis bacillus can be transmitted to humans from the gastrointestinal tract by eating the meats of animals infected with M. bovis. profdromerdeniz.com.

Tuberculosis is not transmitted by using forks, spoons, towels, etc. used by sick individuals. 

How does tuberculosis occur in the body?

Patients with pulmonary tuberculosis release droplets containing the tuberculosis bacillus into the ambient air by coughing, speaking, sneezing, etc. When the droplets dry due to heat they become droplet nuclei containing tuberculosis bacilli. With the inhalation of these droplet nuclei, the bacilli reach the alveoli. In more than half of the people, the tuberculosis bacillus is eradicated from the body with nonspecific immunity (natural immunity). profdromerdeniz.com. Such people do not have disease or latent tuberculosis infection. Tuberculin skin tests of these individuals are negative. In some people, tuberculosis bacillus-specific immunity develops against tuberculosis bacillus. In a significant number of individuals with specific immunity, the bacillus is trapped in the body and there is no disease. Such individuals do not have disease, but tuberculin skin test is positive. Some of these individuals who develop specific immunity, the specific immunity is insufficient and the bacillus continues to multiply and the disease occurs. The resulting tuberculosis is called primary tuberculosis. Primary tuberculosis is a form of tuberculosis that occurs mostly in childhood. profdromerdeniz.com. Pulmonary tuberculosis may occur later in life in a minority of individuals who have suppressed and limited the bacillus in their bodies with specific immunity, and therefore have positive tuberculin skin test and at the same time are healthy. This form of tuberculosis is called adult type or postprimary tuberculosis. profdromerdeniz.com. 

What are the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis?

In patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, respiratory system symptoms such as cough, sputum, bloody sputum, shortness of breath, chest pain, and systemic symptoms such as fatigue, malaise, night sweats and weight loss may be observed. profdromerdeniz.com. Not all symptoms are expected to be present in all patients. More commonly, patients with extensive pulmonary tuberculosis may have all the symptoms. profdromerdeniz.com.

How is Pulmonary Tuberculosis Diagnosed?

If there is a positive sputum, gastric lavage or bronchial lavage smear, the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis can be made in patients with an appearance compatible with pulmonary tuberculosis in the chest X-ray (or computed tomography of the thorax). 7-10 days of broad-spectrum non-specific (without effect on tuberculosis bacillus) antibiotic treatment is given in patients whose chest X-ray (or computed tomography of the thorax) is compatible with pulmonary tuberculosis and whose sputum and (gastric lavage or bronchial lavage) smear is negative. In cases where there is no improvement with this treatment and diseases other than pulmonary tuberculosis are excluded, it may be decided to start tuberculosis treatment by a pulmonologist.

The definitive diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis is made by the production of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in sputum, gastric lavage or bronchial lavage culture.

Is there a cure for pulmonary tuberculosis?

There is a cure for all drug-sensitive forms of tuberculosis.

The treatment of drug resistant tuberculosis should be evaluated under a separate heading.

How is pulmonary tuberculosis treated?

Tuberculosis is treated with medication. The duration of pulmonary tuberculosis treatment is at least 6 months. In the treatment, 4 types of drugs are used in the first 2 months. The next 4 months are continued with 2 types of drugs. Tuberculosis disease in adults is not treated with fewer drugs. profdromerdeniz.com. If pulmonary tuberculosis treatment is tried with 1-2 types of drugs, the disease cannot be cured and drug-resistant tuberculosis may develop. The treatment period of pulmonary tuberculosis cannot be shortened with existing drugs. With a shorter duration of treatment than it should be, the treatment may fail and the probability of recurrence of tuberculosis disease increases. profdromerdeniz.com.

What is latent tuberculosis infection?

Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is defined as a positive tuberculin skin test or interferon gamma release test (Quantiferon, ELISPOT) without any form of tuberculosis disease. Individuals with LTBI are considered healthy.

Why is latent tuberculosis infection important?

Approximately 5-10% of individuals with LTBI may develop tuberculosis at some point in their lives. This rate is much higher in immunocompromised individuals.






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